Home > Blog > Activity update > Jeevanshakti Manch, 29th July 2018

Manch is an annual program conducted by Mitra foundation that brings all the beneficiaries, volunteers, donors and staff of Karunashraya under one roof. This year the venue of the program was at Karunashraya, a beautiful campus that can hardly be called a ‘hospital’.




The mood of the Sunday morning was festive with the beneficiaries coming in with a smile, in best looking clothes and volunteers who were associated with them greeting them enthusiastically and inquiring if they had breakfast. Karunashraya’s CEO Mr.Chandy was one of the first guests to arrive.




As more and more people started filling up the hall, the program started with symbolic lighting of lamp by Mr.Chandy, counselors from Karunashraya and volunteers.




With that the Manch was thrown open. First address was by Mr. Chandy, He talked about how good people have gathered together (Mitra Foundation) to do good work. He recalled that the foundation was started with just 9 people, now it has expanded to over 20 volunteers .
Next was the presentation from Mr. Prem Vadapalli, one of the trustees of Mitra Foundation, which explained the purpose of the Mitra foundation, its 2 branches Jeevanshakti that works with the underprivileged families of terminally ill cancer patients and JanaSahayog that works of the betterment of the local community at LBS Nagar. The presentation delved into details of what are the volunteering opportunities, finances and the outreach of Jeevanshakti. It was highlighted that the number of families that are currently getting benefited is over 20. And plans of expanding the volunteers and collecting more funds for the next year were stressed.

Meanwhile the hall was up to the brim with additional chairs brought in to accommodate more people. It was the moment to feel proud for all when videos of 2 young achievers who were initial beneficiaries of Jeevanshakti were played. Both young men were brimming with confidence they stated how they changed their lives with the help of Mitra Foundation’s financial help and volunteer’s handholding. Their messages to the other beneficiaries were not to loose hope and have faith in oneself to overcome the difficulties when the bread earner of the family is snatched away by cancer.



During the tea break that followed, there was a lot of interaction among people, I met many old beneficiaries, they were very happy to share what was happening in their lives, I met their children too. I could see a lot of confidence in them this time when I met.
I talked with other volunteers over tea then greeted Mr. Pooja Obalappa , one of the guest speakers, who had come to attend Manch leaving his daughter’s house function from Peenya!!

After tea we were in for information packed sessions from the guest speakers. First speaker Mr. Pooja Obalappa, headmaster of government school, was introduced to the audience. He spoke about Cancer, what it was, how as relatives of cancer affected patients one must be cautious about health since there could be a chance of ‘cancer gene’ present in blood relatives. He spoke about travel discounts available for the cancer patient as well as the patient’s attender in bus, train and air travel. This was a revelation for many of us. He told about LIC policies that would benefit kin of cancer patients and subsidies in schools available to a single parent and RTE. Answering a question that was asked he said in case of necessity he was willing to help anyone accompanying them to government offices if required.
Our next speaker, Mr.Prahlad Kulkarni, Commercial tax officer(CTO), Ex-serviceman needed no introducer, with his booming voice he spoke about his journey so far. He explained to the audience who sat admiring his confidence about various opportunities in army, navy and airforce. He said there were opportunities of varied sorts- technical/non-technical, 8th std pass or engineer, male or female. He spoke about army recruitment camps, NDA exam and tuition centers for entry into these. According to him this was the sort of job anyone can get without paying a single paise bribe.


Now came the time to get emotional, beneficiaries were called to share their experiences. No amount of preparation can help anyone who has lost a loved one recently and has to recollect the happenings after that. Teary eyed, and with family tagging along, beneficiaries talked about their struggle and in their muffled voices there were words of gratitude towards Mitra group for the timely help to take the reins of their lives back in control.


After wiping away all tears and words of encouragement from Sarita , it was a time to laugh, dance and sing. The children of the beneficiaries performed on the stage, Smita Verma coordinated this. For some children it was a moment to revel and show off their skills, while some were shy and were wriggling in their places. What mattered was the children were given an opportunity that would make them happy. At the end, Ramaswamyji made a surprise entry on stage with all kids and made the event more cheerful.



How can one cherish a happy time without gifts? All beneficiaries were called and gifts from Mitra foundation and Karunashreya were distributed.



Sarita, One of the members of Managing Committee and active volunteer, spoke of how big Mitra family has grown now, she was wondering if all of us could fit in one group photo.

Yes it was photo time!! There were multiple snaps from multiple angles and mobiles. Everyone was confused where to look and when to smile! Photos were clicked until everyone walked away from the room for most awaited part – lunch. A delicious lunch wrapped up the Jeevanshakti Manch program with ‘bye bye’. and ‘thank you’.



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