Home > Blog > Activity update > Shakti Smaran Diwas 2019

Every year around march, we observe Shakti Smaran Diwas in memory of “Shakti Shankar Rath”, who we lost on 6th Mar 2013, and in his memory we have the Jeevan Shakti Initiative to work with the families of terminally ill cancer patients.

We all know, Karunashraya bangalore is a second home for the terminally ill cancer patients. Its kind of care where supportive/palliative treatment is given to terminally ill patients. Medical, nursing and psychosocial care is provided. Hospices provide a range of services which include pain and symptom control, psychological and social support, rehabilitation complementary therapies, counseling, spiritual care, practical and financial advice, and support in bereavement.

So when it comes to commemorate the Shakti Smaran Diwas, karunashraya is the first place which comes in our mind.
This year as well we observed the Shakti Smaran Diwas at Karunashraya and it was a so much fun. We had great participation from staff as well as patients.
This day we try to make the staff and patients feel relaxed and engaged in something different than their routine. It helps them to get distracted from their pain.

We decided to organize a magic show this year and fortunately we met Mr. Satish and his team. When asked,They were happily ready to perform their magic acts for staff and patients.
The show was super hit. The Magician team made sure they make the act very interactive. They called upon the staff and patients on stage and did some fun magics. The whole purpose to make the audience smile, feel engaged and entertained was fulfilled. The patients even took video while watching it.
The team even sung beautiful songs during event and made the atmosphere very pleasant.
At the end, there was a smile on everyone face which was the main idea behind this event.

Overall we had a very successful day at karunashraya. We are very thankful to karunashraya to let us spend our time for a good cause. And of course a big thank you to magician team, without them this wasn’t possible.